Torishima – Blood Donation Activities

At Torishima Indonesia, employees have always been encouraged to do their part for the community by donating blood. PMI East Jakarta expressed his gratitude for the extraordinary enthusiasm of Torishima employees in the blood donation activity.

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Torishima – Water Distribution Pump


Clean water is crucial for various daily needs, such as bathing, washing, cooking and drinking. The use of clean water helps prevent disease and improves people’s quality of life. The distribution network of waterworks companies plays a central role in providing clean water for daily needs and what is no less important is the use of pumps to distribute clean water.

As a pump supply company, PT Torishima Guna Indonesia has the responsibility to produce high quality water distribution pumps. With product reliability, good after sales support and strong experience as a pump manufacturer, Torishima Pumps are widely used for managing and distributing clean water. This is in line with PT Torishima Guna Indonesia’s commitment to help the government provide access to clean water to all levels of society and improve the quality of life and support the economic development of a region.

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Pump Training – Torishima SE Asia Team


Pump Training for our team Torishima SE Asia – 19-20 November, was held at Torishima Indonesia.

Apply pump theory physically, unlocking operational advancements in real-world applications.

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Torishima Indonesia’s Family Gathering

Cibubur, July 10, 2024 all employees of PT Torishima Guna Indonesia carried out Family Gathering activities as a vehicle to strengthen the relationship between fellow workers and families. This family gathering activity was held at Trans Studio Play Park.

This Event purpose to  made a relationship between the Head Director, Staff and Worker. Family Gathering is the one way to appreciation performance of staff which worked with excellence effort  for the company. The Event filled with games and Souvenirs. This Event can increase cooperation and solidarity between partner work.

Thanks to our President Director of PT Torishima Guna Indonesia, for providing the opportunity to hold a Family Gathering this year.











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Torishima at Palmex Indonesia 2023

Palmex Indonesia 2023 is the ideal forum for palm oil industries in Asia that brings together an international congregation of both upstream and downstream palm oil companies and also its supporting industries to showcase the latest developments in the palm oil industry. The event, held on 4– 6th October at Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel & Convention Medan – Indonesia, included 200 brands from 5 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, and China) more than 5000 visitors, and 3 days forum sessions to provide a platform for sharing.

This is the first time PT Torishima Guna Indonesia joining Palmex. We showcased 2 booths at this exhibition which were located in the indoor areas, attracted visitors interested in our pump as a supporting players for the palm oil mill industry.

Torishima has a complete range of pumping solutions for the palm oil mill industry, our pump have been a crucial factor in the success of many palm oil facilities. Please contact us and see how we can help in your palm oil pumping application.

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Donations to Help Earthquake Victims in Cianjur

PT Torishima Guna Indonesia (PT TGI) dispatched a logistical package assistance as donation for earthquake victims in Cianjur Regency, West Java Province on Friday, November 25, 2022 from the PT TGI Head Office, Jakarta.

This assistance is a form of the company’s concern for earthquake victims in the Cianjur Regency area. PT TGI seeks to be present and help provide logistical package assistance as a form of concrete action in order to ease the burden on disaster victims. The assistance provided included instant food, biscuits, milk, clean water, medicines, blankets, diaper, towels, hygiene kits and money that gathered from Torishima’s employee.

The handover of the assistance was carried out directly by Deni Wendiaman, General Manager of PT TGI, accompanied by Iwan Kurniawan, HR Manager of PT TGI. Aid was handed over symbolically to the nearest post to the location affected by the earthquake.

Hopefully our concern can ease the burden of people who affected by the earthquake in Cianjur, also provide moral encouragement and enthusiasm for them to get up and quickly recover from the effects of the disaster.


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Torishima at Palmex Indonesia 2022

Palmex Indonesia 2022 is the ideal forum for palm oil industries in Asia that brings together an international congregation of both upstream and downstream palm oil companies and also its supporting industries to showcase the latest developments in the palm oil industry. The event, held on 25– 27th October at Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel & Convention Medan – Indonesia, included 150 brands from 5 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, and

China) more than 4000 visitors, and 3 days forum sessions to provide a platform for sharing.

This is the first time PT Torishima Guna Indonesia joining Palmex. We showcased 1 booth at this exhibition which were located in the indoor areas, attracted visitors interested in our pump as a supporting players for the palm oil mill industry.

Torishima has a complete range of pumping solutions for the palm oil mill industry, our pump have been a crucial factor in the success of many palm oil facilities. Please contact us and see how we can help in your palm oil pumping application.

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Mr.Kotaro Harada, President & CEO Torishima Visit TGI

On May 31, 2022, our President & CEO Mr.Kotaro Harada and Deputy CEO Mr.Gerry Ashe of Torishima Pump Mf., Co., Ltd. conducted visit to PT Torishima Guna Indonesia (TGI).

The factory visit was held successfully with a detailed schedule to introduce the capabilities of TGI factory, product innovation and improvement quality meeting.

We also took this opportunity to show our “togetherness” as a team and how amazing it is to work with people that share the same passion and values for Torishima.

Coming together was a great beginning for us. Keeping things together was a way to progress. But working and making improvement together is a success for us. A good team leads a successful company and we are proud to say that we have the best amongst us.

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BKI certificates for Torishima Marine Pump

To ensure that Torishima pumps supplied to our customers in the Marine Industry sector, Badan Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) conducts a direct inspection of PT Torishima Guna Indonesia to prove the consistency of the quality of the Torishima pumps in accordance with the specifications required by BKI regulations.

This is proof that Torishima pumps involved in ship classification have complied with regulations and have quality consistency in accordance with the specifications required by BKI. A Certificate of Approval will then be issued.

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TKDN Talk Series : Supporting National Strategic Projects

PT Torishima Guna Indonesia, represented by Mr. Deni Wendiaman as General Manager, had the opportunity to attend the TKDN Talk Series III with the theme “Supporting National Strategic Projects: Observing the Downstream Oil and Gas Sector” organized by PT Surveyor Indonesia (PT SI) on November 30, 2021.

On this occasion, we as a domestic oil and gas supporting industry share experiences related to TKDN certification. We really appreciate the role of PT SI in helping the Government complete the Downstream Oil and Gas TKDN Limit.

In line with what was conveyed by Mr. Dody Widodo, Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) that industrial business performers, especially oil and gas businesses, must provide opportunities for domestic oil and gas supporting industries that have high TKDN values.

To be known, the achievement of the TKDN value of PT Torsihim Guna Indonesia’s pumps is recorded in the Domestic Product Appreciation Book (APDN Book), which is a book that contains a list of goods, a list of service providers and a list of capabilities local company who already have Oil and Gas SKUP in accordance with the provisions contained in PP Number 35 of 2004 concerning Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities.

The TKDN value of PT Torishima Guna Indonesia’s pumps exceeds 40 percent of the minimum value (according to the provisions based on the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 179 K/DJM.S/2014 dated 27 March 2014) in which we categorized pumps as mandatory goods for Upstream Business activities. Oil and gas.

We are optimistic that the implementation of TKDN in the downstream oil and gas industry can be carried out well because it is supported by what has been conveyed by VP Management of Local Content Utilization of PT Pertamina Holding (Persero) Mr. Abdul Manan in his seriousness to form a special function of TKDN at the level of VP in the organization to conduct socialization roadshows and Vendor Day marathons internally.

We are proud to be made in Indonesia.

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