Torishima Indonesia’s Employee Gathering 2022 program at Citeko Puncak – West Java was held on October 1-2, 2022. Attended by 100 employees, this event has run smoothly to build the bond and to boost the spirit to keep up the good work.

With the theme “Cooperate, Care, Responsible & Committed” we hope this activity can strengthen sense of cooperation, caring, responsibility and commitment to improve the quality of work of our employees.

The event started with lunch together and then off-road through the tea plantations in Gunung Mas area. In the evening employees and management had dinner together, followed by fun games and music entertainment. The second day of the activity was filled with team building and ended with rafting on the Kalibaru River.

In the middle of the event, a social activity was also held as a form of corporate responsibility to take an active role in providing benefits to society. Social activity was given to YPA Ar Rohmat which aims to motivate the orphanage children to always be enthusiastic in living life and reaching their goals.

From these two days activity, we hope that employees will become aware and know that they are part of the team. So they are expected to always be compact and solid in carrying out each task so that a good working relationship is established.

If a sense of togetherness is embedded in the hearts of each individual, there will be a sense of mutual help in work, a sense of caring, a sense of loyalty to friends, and mutual respect for one another. In the end, a commitment to be better at work will be created if all these things are maintained properly.