On September 17-27, 2019 PT. Geteka Founindo which is an affiliated company of PT Torishima Guna Indonesia was held a Training of Improvement Human Resources Capability for Casting. This training is the second time for PT. Geteka Founindo which is fully supported by the Ministry of Industry of Republic Indonesia. The training was attended by 25 participants from various industries.

Training material provided includes knowledge of metal casting, construction and casting design, metal casting processes, cast iron casting (FC and FCD), measurement and testing of casting, defects in metal casting, and practical work in pattern, molding and melting processes.

Trainers who gave the lesson are lecturer in mechanical design technology and metal casting technology from Bandung Manufacture Polytechnic (POLMAN). This training was also filled with hands-on activities where PT Geteka Founindo employees who were experts in the foundry field gave some practical work related to learning material in class.

It is expected that from this training the participants can get enough knowledge, skills, and attitude to do the tasks that will be given later and can have interest and awareness to their work.