PT Torishima Guna Indonesia fully supports government programs related to the use of Indonesian-made products and increasing the Domestic Content Level (TKDN). To note, TKDN is the number of components contained in goods, services and a combination of goods and services. Meanwhile, the rules regarding TKDN are contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 29 of 2018 concerning Industrial Empowerment.

We, as the manufacturer of the Torishima brand pump, have long had a high TKDN value for pump units and for pump packages. This achievement is proof that PT Torishima Guna Indonesia participates in helping the use of local products to empower small and medium industries in the country in the production process.

The achievement of the TKDN value for the Torsihima pump is also registered in the Appreciation Book for Domestic Products (the APDN Book), which is a book containing a list of goods, a list of service providers and a list of the capabilities of domestic producers who already have an Oil and Gas SKUP in accordance with the regulations contained in PP No. 35 of 2004 concerning Upstream Oil and Gas Business activities.

Due to the TKDN value of the Torishima pump which exceeds 40 percent of the minimum value (according to the provisions based on the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 179 K/DJM.S/2014 dated 27 March 2014) our pump category is a mandatory item for Upstream Oil and Gas Business activities.

We are optimistic that this achievement can increase the use of Torishima pumps for tenders or direct electronic purchases in the process of procuring goods or services. Proud to be made in Indonesia.