Exercise in the Workplace : For Better Productivity & Employee Bonding

A daily exercises performed in PT Torishima Guna Indonesia by our employee every day before starting their job. The routine started at 7.30 to 8.00 in the morning, followed by daily working brief in each department.

Morning exercises are a simple and proven effective way to activate the internal resources of the body, stock up on vitality, increase productivity and efficiency for the whole day.

The idea behind these activities is also to breakdown barriers between employees and facilitate a more open work environment. It’s so important for employees to find ways to bond with one another and to build stronger connections.

Because we believe that healthy employees brings a lot of merit to our business, not only it increases productivity, we can keep employees to work our company for a longer time, it is also helping them to embrace feeling vulnerable and hopefully, bringing the team closer as a result.

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Strategic Collaboration – Torishima with Tsurumi

We are extremely pleased to present to you our collaboration with PT Tsurumi Pompa Indonesia effective from January 22nd, 2020 to January 22nd, 2021.

This collaboration contains a special partnership agreement to sale Tsurumi Universe Series For High Rise Building Pump and Flood Pump with the new trademarks written ” Under Licensed by Tsurumi Pump” and “Exclusive Licensed to Torishima Pump”.

We believe this collaboration will increase market sales and brand awareness for both brands in a more efficient way.

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Training – Improvement the Capability of Human Resources for Foundry Industry

On September 17-27, 2019 PT. Geteka Founindo which is an affiliated company of PT Torishima Guna Indonesia was held a Training of Improvement Human Resources Capability for Casting. This training is the second time for PT. Geteka Founindo which is fully supported by the Ministry of Industry of Republic Indonesia. The training was attended by 25 participants from various industries.

Training material provided includes knowledge of metal casting, construction and casting design, metal casting processes, cast iron casting (FC and FCD), measurement and testing of casting, defects in metal casting, and practical work in pattern, molding and melting processes.

Trainers who gave the lesson are lecturer in mechanical design technology and metal casting technology from Bandung Manufacture Polytechnic (POLMAN). This training was also filled with hands-on activities where PT Geteka Founindo employees who were experts in the foundry field gave some practical work related to learning material in class.

It is expected that from this training the participants can get enough knowledge, skills, and attitude to do the tasks that will be given later and can have interest and awareness to their work.

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INDO WATER 2017 Expo & Forum

We have participated and are on display at the INDOWATER 2017 Expo.

This is the largest trade show in Indonesia where companies and technologies related to water, waste and renewable energy are introduced. During that period, many professionals from various companies and organizations came to our booth and discussed our pumps. We were a big success at the venue.

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Technician Training Program

As one of marketing program to reduce claim market and well handling of market complain to achieve the best customers satisfaction in technical support, PT Torishima Guna Indonesia (TGI) held annual training program for dealer technician on September & October 2018.

This program offers a mutual benefit relationship between TGI and dealers, which create well trained and qualified dealer technician and to gain time effectiveness and cost efficiency.

Due to high enthusiasm of dealers for this program, TGI planes to make it as annual marketing program beside keeping brotherhood sense between TGI and dealers.

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100th Torishima anniversary

On August 1, 2019, Torishima will celebrate its 100th anniversary.

Torishima was founded in 1919 in Osaka, Japan, with a little more than 30 employees. Now it has expanded its presence to 19 countries with a total of 1,885 employees representing 34 nationalities including Indonesia. What is the key to our longevity? Core values and strong technical expertise are passed down from generation to generation, coupled with the desire and determination to succeed.

At Torishima, the opposite of success is not failure, it does nothing. We do everything for customers. We accept changes in our market, this can be caused by market forces, environmental changes and / or even politics. We review, react, and work hard to find solutions.
Now, we have many colleagues from all over the world.

Different ideas, different perspectives, different values have been created in diverse environments, which we did not have 10 or 15 years ago.
When all Torishima members pursue the best solutions with their respective strengths, innovation becomes possible. It makes the impossible possible.

That is Torishima’s EVOLUTION

You can visit to our “100th Anniversary Special Website” to find out more about Torishima.

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Chiller Water Pump Project

In this project, our pumps are used as coolants which pump cold liquids to the desired temperature to cool the entire system. This chiller pump will transfer a large amount of water to a smaller one through a rotating shaft, and continue to cool the liquid.

In providing the best service to our customers, we offer selected products and solutions to meet the needs of our clients. Our solutions are based on technical calculations, and after sales service that we provide to our customers. With 35 years of experience, our customers can be sure that their project will run smoothly and according to plan. We monitor our projects and only dedicate our best technicians to oversee the project.

For more information about our services and specific solutions for your project, please contact us. Our team is at your service

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