Palmex Indonesia 2022 is the ideal forum for palm oil industries in Asia that brings together an international congregation of both upstream and downstream palm oil companies and also its supporting industries to showcase the latest developments in the palm oil industry. The event, held on 25– 27th October at Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel & Convention Medan – Indonesia, included 150 brands from 5 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, and

China) more than 4000 visitors, and 3 days forum sessions to provide a platform for sharing.

This is the first time PT Torishima Guna Indonesia joining Palmex. We showcased 1 booth at this exhibition which were located in the indoor areas, attracted visitors interested in our pump as a supporting players for the palm oil mill industry.

Torishima has a complete range of pumping solutions for the palm oil mill industry, our pump have been a crucial factor in the success of many palm oil facilities. Please contact us and see how we can help in your palm oil pumping application.